There probably isn’t a person in the world who hasn’t heard of mass events in his life. As you can easily guess, these are events that gather a large number (the number varies from one type of event to another, but the minimum is 300 or 200, if we are talking about a high-risk ceremony) of participants of a sporting or artistic-entertainment nature. The goals of preparing such an event can vary. Mass events are often organized by city authorities as part of promoting their cities. Also, it is not uncommon for them to be held to help advertise a brand or simply to celebrate a special date – an important anniversary or New Year’s Eve, for example. And let’s not forget periodic parties that run during certain parts of the year – including festivals and city days in various towns.
So, as it is not difficult to deduce, a mass event can take place on the initiative of the mayor, but also any individual or organizational unit. However, anyone who has ever arranged such an event knows how many formalities it involves. Preparing such an event, it is necessary to apply in advance to the person, standing at the head of the village, municipality or city where the event is to be held, to issue the appropriate permission. To this application it is necessary to attach a plan of the facility being prepared for the event, taking into account such elements as: fire roads, entrances and exits, the location of medical and law enforcement services, as well as the schedule of events – if we are planning more than one. You also need to add information about the planned number of guests, as well as anticipated risks. In addition to the obligation to make an appeal to the relevant official, the organizer of the mass event is also obliged to ask for an opinion on the above-mentioned gala order from the police and fire chiefs, the dispatcher of the emergency medical services team and the sanitary inspection, and often the military.

On the one who is responsible for the event – there is another burden. When he wants his event to be graced by the presence of a music band, he has to receive (and know how to read!) from the band’s manager the so-called technical rider, a document that includes the artist’s requirements for the technological solutions used during the event. Sometimes meeting these expectations is very difficult, especially when the event is organized by a small structure.
The implementation of such events is undeniably an elaborate and difficult undertaking. With help comes the Wroclaw-based event company Fox Events, as the organization of mass events is one of the services we offer our clients. We undertake to obtain all the legal acts that it takes to legally prepare an event of this type. So it goes without saying that we also support the beneficiaries of our offer in completing all the guidelines required to obtain the relevant documents.
In addition, it should be emphasized that the technical facilities we possess allow Fox Events to perform the remarks noted in almost any, even the most complicated rider. In addition, we offer our clients support in the aspect of understanding such a brief. Agency specialists are happy to review its text and explain what the star is asking for.
In addition, Fox Events provides assistance when it comes to arranging attractions designed to make events more enjoyable. Our creative staff has many ideas for entertainment in their pipeline. We also help invite Polish and foreign artists we work with to events.
The mass events that we prepare include junivernalia, concerts and various festivals, but our range is much wider.
Anyone who wants to see what else Fox Events can afford in the mass event sector is welcome to contact us!