The word “incentive” comes from English and literally means encouragement. It is therefore easy to guess that Incentive Events are intended to motivate employees to put even more effort into performing their professional duties. Another task of initiatives of this type is to reward people who are particularly committed to implementing the company’s mission. Incentive Events are also used when it comes to relationships with strategic company clients. They also take part in them, and inviting them to participate in these ceremonies is a form of praising loyalty and, as it were, showing gratitude for long-term cooperation with the company.
We already know why these events are organized, but what exactly are Incentive Events Wrocław? This is one of the types of corporate events that serve to integrate the team creating the brand and, as already said, are a kind of distinction for the individual crew members taking part in them. The second of the mentioned intentions of Incentive Events is possible to fulfill because these events are away events. Yes! They not only allow us to strengthen the positive relations among the company’s staff; reward those employees who deserve it, as well as honor contractors who are particularly closely associated with the company, but they also give the above-mentioned people the opportunity to break away from their daily routine, rest, and often also acquire new skills – such as diving. All this means that those who go to Incentive Events are even more motivated to work for a given company in the future. It often happens that the events in question, in addition to recreational purposes, also have purely business purposes – because they often involve various courses, training and seminars. All this stimulates the continuous professional development of subordinates.

Even if this unusual type of business trip is not intended to promote the progress of the person participating in it, it usually helps to achieve other company goals. In addition to what has already been mentioned (strengthening bonds between the company-employee and the company-client, scoring partners’ business successes, providing them with incentives for the future and giving subordinates a chance to relax), Incentive Events are an excellent opportunity to create a positive image of the brand in the eyes of people not directly related to it – relatives and friends of those who spent time at the event. This is because these people usually boast to their loved ones that they participated in such an expedition. When they tell their friends about how the company they work for invited them on a trip, their colleagues will build in their minds a favorable image of the company as one that treats its subordinates well.
After answering the questions about what Incentive Events are and why they are organized, it’s time to mention that this is one of the services offered by our agency. Fox Events offers tour arrangements that focus on Europe, but cover almost the entire world. Our presence on the market has allowed us to develop a large base of subcontractors. The largest numbers are concentrated in the regions of Croatia, the British Isles and Spain. These are the countries to which we most often send participants of our Incentive Events. The specialty of the Fox Events agency is an expedition across the United States along Route 66. However, this is not the peak of our ambitions. We are constantly expanding the register of partners, which allows us to prepare trips to other interesting regions of the world. We are still looking forward to new challenges!
Anyone interested in taking advantage of this or our other offers, contact us!